The Monster entity
“Yet somehow, in this vast sea of people, recorded instances of this… What I would best describe as an entity, has been shown.
They are easily spotted through time, connected by their unique lifecycle of constant correctness.
Like a manmade story sprinkled through the history books…”
“Very first instance I could trace and with confidence say was the work of this entity was in the folk song “Golem warriors.”
The story is only shared vocally, so many interpretations differ from the what is considered, and what I consider, the most correct part about this song. The song paints him to be this warrior of high calliber who sought vengance for his people and so slauthered the king’s army.
That’s what circulates on the globe.
But, what is truly interesting about this, is that the folk song was never heard in the town it supposably originates from. Anyone I spoke to, from historians to archeologists, wise old men considered highly and truthful all told me that they had never heard of such.
But, the historians did point me in the right direction.
“…On the dawn of the 25th day of my service, 9 golems of metal appeared. All carrying ridiculously oversized swords, axes, maces… And on each of them, wrist mortars big enough to separate the stomach from the head. Saw it with my own eyes, the brutality with which they dispatched heeps of men coming towards our post…
We had to beg, but they said yes to us joining them. But before that, their leader said we all had to learn to make and wield the same type of equipment as they did. From here on its gonna be a lot of training, but I think I can manage.”
This was written somewhere in the 17th century by a soldier. Up until then his journal would go on and on about his private life back home and his experience in the war. But, very suspiciously, his style of writing would change right then and there. Suddently, his logs became shorter, filled with words he would never write. Regarding the rest of his journal, shortly after leaving with this newfound group of “golems,” he would just stop writing.
When I originally piched my reaserch to the historian, he was confused ovbiously. But when I narrowed down to him that I was searching for anomalyes such as this one, it was like he instantly knew where to point me towards. What I do find interesting was how inviting he was to these sources…”